Car and plumbing advice - washer valve replacement

15 Mar 2005
Hello, I am trying to replace a one way valve on a 2013 Yaris, luckily I can access the valve but the rubber tubing is completely stuck to the valve.

Any ideas how I remove the tubing from this valve please?


A hair drier would probably soften the tubing a bit, enabling you to wiggle it off by hand

If that fails, you could VERY CAREFULLY use a needle nose pliers to work the warmed tubing back and forth over the connector.
A hair drier would probably soften the tubing a bit, enabling you to wiggle it off by hand

If that fails, you could VERY CAREFULLY use a needle nose pliers to work the warmed tubing back and forth over the connector.

Thanks, I don't have power nearby. But what about hot water? I could soak a cloth in hot water and wrap it around the tubing and valve?
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Have you tried twisting it? To break the 'seal' so to speak, not that it has a seal.
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I'm with Diddums on this. The tubing has likely gone hard and should be replaced as it will never seal properly again. Chances are that it will be a much easier job replacing the tubing as well.
Thanks everyone, I fixed it.

Hot water managed to free one side, that gave me enough room to use pilers to hold the valve and twist the other tube off
I'm with Diddums on this. The tubing has likely gone hard and should be replaced as it will never seal properly again. Chances are that it will be a much easier job replacing the tubing as well.

Well I've replaced it and now will monitor for leaks, I could replace the tubing but its a much harder job the way its routed from the pump to the wiper blade
Well I've replaced it and now will monitor for leaks, I could replace the tubing but its a much harder job the way its routed from the pump to the wiper blade
I wouldn't normally advise it but a little jubilee clip (cabletie4lyfe) might do the trick. Doesn't need to be on very tight, just to enough to add a little bit extra grip. Worth keeping one in the car as temp fix if it pops off whilst driving.

If it's gone back on ok then chances are it's fine although sometimes the act of disturbing something can cause issues.
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I've normally dipped them in a cup of hot water (held on it's side) the 3 series had enough slack on the tube to pull it out far enough ..

these stupid valves (in the case of bmw anyway) are only meant to keep fluid near the nozzle for an immediate response, often break and the diaphram becomes perforated, so I removed one, on one side, completely,
soaked the jets in vinegar too;
the valve leaving fluid in the pipe, also makes that prone to freezing.
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