Car audio help

11 Aug 2005
hi guys, just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction

bought a car cd player (ikasa the brand is) from a car boot

the connector on the back i havnt got a clue what cable im going to need

you can see it on the pic below, is it a standard/non standard connector? my old cd player had an ISO lead, anyone know where i would get the cable to connect it to my car with? as its a bit of a random make, not like a sony or anything will a cable be hard to track down?

also it doesnt have a cage, can i get one from anywhere, will it be a problem? ta

Could you post a bigger picture? I can't quite make it out... :p

A lot of headunits use custom connectors these days.... If it's a pioneer unit, simply buy a pioneer to ISO connector cable, they;re around a fiver in Halfords. :)
Should be able to get a cage from halfords, or any other auto parts place, or car audio specialists.

Dont have a clue about the connector though
yea its an ikasa branded one, might be a rebadged tevion jobby or something its only a cheap one, im guessing halfords wont stock the cable i need tho as its a bit of an obscure brand?
probably knackered, but worth a punt for a couple of squids :D

found their support forums, put a noet up so hopefully theyll be able to help me.. doesnt look like theres hardly anyone on there tho
probably knackered, but worth a punt for a couple of squids :D

found their support forums, put a noet up so hopefully theyll be able to help me.. doesnt look like theres hardly anyone on there tho

Thats probably because they only had one member before which is the guy who sold it to you today :p
I think you're stuffed TBH - even if you could find one it'll probably cost you £10+, plus the cage, plus what you paid for it in the first place. When you can buy a brand new Kenwood HU for 60 quid, is it really worth faffing about with some brand you've never heard of?
Not worth messing around for a stereo which is obscure brand, so probably completely rubbish. Likely to be stolen (as indicated by lack of connector, why would the owner keep it seeing as it's an obscure brand) and might not even work if we're honest.

Unless you buy a decent aftermarket stereo it's pointless, the OEM unit will sound better through stock speakers than a cheap piece of crap.
I always like the cheap brands that try to sound like more expensive brands...

I seem to remember some brand trying to rip off kenwood and rockford fosgate by calling themselves Kenford, or it may have been Rockwood :D
looks live ive been stitched up like a kipper then :D still no reply on the official forums, anyone fancy an ugly looking paperweight?
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