Car Computer

26 Apr 2008
Hi, intrested in trying to put a comp in my car! Mainly for music purpose (at the moment i have an aux in, in the back of my head unit, but that involves looking down at my mp3 player down by the gear stick, which isnt too good when driving!), with maybe a motorized touch screen display. Has anyone got any tips of building one/experince? Have had a quick browse on the net and found some kits but thought they were a bit expensive so wondering about trying to build one myself. But not sure about a few things e.g.what would use for a PSU? Could i use the parts from my laptop?
Not being funny but if you are concerned about having to look down at your MP3 player what sort of interface are you thinking about having?

If its access screens then unless you pre-program your track lists you will need to look away from the road anyway?

If you do do it, please come back with pics though!

Was thinking if it was just a touch screen then have something like itunes/winamp up then easier to just change tracks etc and larger database aswell.

Someone at our uni's fragsoc has one is his car (what inspired me!), might ask him for details too!
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