Car Documents

30 Jan 2006
A strange thing landed on the floor today in the post.

I had my car broken into last september, the same day i had put a new tax disc in, so the Glove compartment was filled with all the lovelies like my Driving license, Car documents and Insurence certificate. (All kept in an envelope, i was running late that day so grabbed the envelope so i could sort out what i actually needed later in the day).

So, new tax disc (6 months) goes in around lunch time, around 6 pm one broken window, no stereo and all documents gone. Gets reported to the police, they show about as much interest in it as I've come to exspect.

This morning all my paperwork arives back in the post (same envelope they were in when they were nicked as on the back it had a load of my writing), including my driving license and a tax disc (8 days left, brilliant), I call the Police to inform them and thank them for returning the items.

They said it still under investigation, they have had no information and it wasn't them who sent it all back to me.
Strange. I'd be very wary of that, it doesn't take much for someone to steal your identity these days, so it's possible whoever stole the items doesn't need them any more. It could simply be however, that the original thieves had no need for the documents, threw them away, and someone has only just found them and returned them to you.
i was aware of the identity theft, as they had 2 forms of ID with myt address on, (driving license and insurance certificate). I got a new Driving license ASAP with a new DVLA license number, also a new policy document with new account details, just to be safe, did that on day of theft.

The poor mug will be in for a surprise when they try getting credit with my stolen ID, many years at Uni left me with somewhat a crap credit rating, he'd be better of sitting outside a bus station asking for change then get money on credit in my name.
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