Car for Mum

23 Jun 2005
My mum is currently on a leasing scheme where she pays x amount each month for her peugeot 206. She is coming towards the end of this contract and although she will have the option to buy her 206 she probably won't (likes driving a new car). She will probably get another lease car but isn't sure what to get. She has found her 1.1 a little slow for pulling out at junctions so probably a 1.4 would be better suited. Would the 206 1.4 be a good option? Or can anyone else recommend another new car? It's hard to give a budget as it would be on a lease contract so think along the lines of a 206.
Look at the new Clio - very nice cars

The new Fiesta is OK but it has an awful plasticy interior. This was on an '05 plate model but it has just recently been facelifted
I wouldn't go for the 206 as it's dated and about to be replaced. Fiesta or Clio are certainly worth a look.
another vote for the fiesta, just bought the wife a 1.4 flame on the 04. she loves it and i get my tdci mondeo back now. :D
Renault Scenic 2 litre auto. GF has one of the older ones and dead pleased with it, moves well and loads of space to chuck stuff in. It's like a small van when you go shopping but not too big when you drive it. Really shifts off the lights because I think the 'box was designed for the 1.6
Some good suggestions, I'm liking the sound of the fiesta, yaris and clio. I'll tell her to have a look at them :)

When is the 206 being replaced?
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