Car got vandalised last night



6 Jun 2004
I'll spare you the full details, since it's not as if it doesn't happen all over the country. Suffice to say I plunged outside to find six ~20-25 year olds with the drivers door of my car open. I got within 1 metre of one of the mutant chavvy scumbags involved. If I'd caught him....well, there were two ways that would end:

1) I'd have caught him, hurt him a bit, his five mates would have buggered off, he'd have called the police in the morning, and I'd be done for assault.
2) I'd have caught him, his five mates would've turned round and kicked the crap out of me, and I wouldn't be typing this right now.

Either way, not desperately good for me!

The police don't give a toss, which is unfortunate given that I've defended them over the years. Guess I won't bother now, not as if they're bothered about me apparently. The car (a '00 X-reg Fiat Seicento SX with a whopping 899cc engine) is worth the sum total of sweet **** all, so going through insurance is about as brainless as a particularly brainless thing. A quick look at the damage totals it out at:

1) drivers side wing dented
2) drivers side mirror casing scratched to all hell
3) drivers door badly dented and creased
4) Rear quarter panel very badly dented and creased to ****

I know it'll be written off if I go through the insurance company. The trouble is.....I'll have driven this car ten years by this October. I learned to drive in it. I have a slight sentimental attachment to it. It's stupid I know (especially given the car involved), but I really don't want to see this particular car get scrapped. So unfortunately I've now got to spend quite a lot of money that I don't really have on fixing it up. All thanks to some ******* mutants who think they can **** with someone's car.

/awaits the 'cool story bro' brigade
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Sorry to hear that mate, there's not really a happy ending to be had out of that is there.

Eh, there might be. I'll spend the money to sort it, so at some point it'll look very good (as good as a 'cento looks anyway!) again.

Right in time for mutants to attack it once more.

Hey ho.

Sorry to hear that although to be honest when i see a fiat Seicento i have a similar reaction.

Heh :)

it sounds like this was just done out of malicious boredom? ******s.

I suspect drunkenness was involved, given my proximity to the local park....
Sorry to hear that JRS, why wouldn't the Police do anything? Was there not chance of finger prints? Are they that understaffed?

We have 1 officer and 1 PCSO for the village, so staffing levels aren't exactly generous. This problem (groups of pondscum getting tanked up and then going off somewhere and trashing a car or two) has been going on years, don't think it's ever going to go away. Just don't know why they'd pick on my little car though - nothing kept in it, the "bangin' sound system" is some ancient Sony CD/Radio with the output power of an asthmatic bee, and at the end of the day you can open the locks just by jamming a fork in them. You don't have to go to the trouble of bending sheetmetal.

That night was the 14th night of my car being parked at my new address by the way. Didn't take them long, did it? *sigh*

Unlike you the OP has more than one braincell and doesn't make things up on the internet to try and look 'cool'.


hurfdurf - I said what I said there looking back in hindsight. At the time I wasn't concerned with much beyond getting hold of the nearest **** and breaking his nose. The cold hard light of day coupled with the adrenaline wearing off allowed me to think about it a bit, and come to the conclusion that maybe I was better off with not catching hold of one of them. If that isn't alright with you....well, can't say that I care to be honest! :)
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