Last night whilst watching TV the wife and I heard a big bang outside the house and car alarms going off, so we ran outside to see a car spun round in the road with the near side suspension completely ripped off. My car was spun round with the rear end pointing in the road along with two other cars damaged.
Looking around my car, it looks like mine took the brunt of the impact. Oddly enough no panels were dented by the front axel is cooked. Both front alloy wheels must have taken the impact as the drivers side was hit and pushed the car against the kerb as the passenger alloy rim has snapped. The drivers side suspension has collapsed (air bag probably damaged), the steering doesn’t work at all on both sides and the driver side door and front quarter has been scraped
Neighbours were keeping an eye on a woman who was the driver of the car as she looked like she was about to do a runner. The police were called and breathalysed her and she failed (she was well gone) so she was taken way to the station. Had to get my car recovered by Mercedes as it was poking out into the road and I couldn’t drive it to straighten it out as the steering was bust (both front wheels pointing in different directions)
Her car
Looking around my car, it looks like mine took the brunt of the impact. Oddly enough no panels were dented by the front axel is cooked. Both front alloy wheels must have taken the impact as the drivers side was hit and pushed the car against the kerb as the passenger alloy rim has snapped. The drivers side suspension has collapsed (air bag probably damaged), the steering doesn’t work at all on both sides and the driver side door and front quarter has been scraped
Neighbours were keeping an eye on a woman who was the driver of the car as she looked like she was about to do a runner. The police were called and breathalysed her and she failed (she was well gone) so she was taken way to the station. Had to get my car recovered by Mercedes as it was poking out into the road and I couldn’t drive it to straighten it out as the steering was bust (both front wheels pointing in different directions)
Her car