Car Insurance [Europe/Under 21]

25 Jul 2003

Does anyone happen to know if it is possible to get insured (on your own car) to drive in Europe if you are under 21? If so how much (ballpark) is it likely to cost for 2 weeks? I cant seem to find any decisive info either way online.


(In particular France and Spain)
Thanks. At the moment I can drive my Mum's car under a 'any other driver' policy. Do you think it would be possible to get this extended or would I have to get special cover with me as the primary driver?

Obviously the best thing to do is call the insurance firm and ask, but I could do with knowing tonight whether or not our roadtrip plan is at all practical.
Can anyone confirm whether or not contact lenses count as a spare pair of glasses? (ie: If I had a pair of glasses and a pair of contact lenses is that ok?)
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