Car Pedals 106 Independence

The brake and accelerator pedal will be VERY close together in a 106 with them on.
Are most pedal sizes standard?

I was lookin at these: Here

I havent check my pedal sizes e.c.t so I cant compare them with mine, I cant find any info on mine too :S
I remember my saxo 'Go' pedal being particually small, with the pedals being so close together i think you will end up worse off making them bigger, what exactly is your problem with them?
The accelerator is a bit small :s

I some times press the brake and acc at same time. The acc pedal seems to be the same size as the the other too pedals
The distance between pedals on the 106 is the problem you'd face here, not the fitment of the pedal kit.

They're not quite as close together as the AX was, but they're pretty bad.
Forbidden said:
The accelerator is a bit small :s

I some times press the brake and acc at same time. The acc pedal seems to be the same size as the the other too pedals

Yep same problem i had, i amost had to use the side of my foot on the brake and the edge of my foot on the accelerator, fitting new pedals won't help fella.
Forbidden said:
The accelerator is a bit small :s

I some times press the brake and acc at same time. The acc pedal seems to be the same size as the the other too pedals

Rest your heel in a different place then. The accelerator pedal and brake pedals are designed to be adequate distance away from each other.
NickXX said:
Rest your heel in a different place then. The accelerator pedal and brake pedals are designed to be adequate distance away from each other.

Its a 106 Nick its designed to be driven by french women with feet designed to wash dishes :p
I wear size 10.5 motorcycle boots and I can drive my 106 with them on, there is enough space between the pedals but obviously less than normal shoes.
(btw, i dont usually drive using motorcycle boots, just the once on the way to a lesson)
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