Car required for friends family

18 Oct 2002

My Girlfriends brother's family are in need of a new car. Currently they have a corsa, but with another child on the way, they need a bigger car. This car :-

Must cost no more than £1000 (however consider investigating SLIGHTLY over this)
fit 3 child seats in the back (1 booster, 2 normal 0-2 years seats)
be cheap to run (not some 3.0 v6 monster) and insure
not be too big ideally (one of the drivers has just past her test)

Im sure someone on here knows someone in this situation, or could offer a suggestion, but it seems that cars with a flat back seat and 3 3 point belts might work ok...

Cars tried so far are a rover 400 and mondeo estate, both of which were too narrow at the back for the seats....

Tried a 406 estate?

I reckon the perfect car would be a fiat multipla, but they be a bit expencive:(

Or a galaxy?

Mabey a 4x4?!
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Xantia Estates have 3 3 way seat belts in the back, but arn't much, if any, wider then a Mondeo.

If cars in the Mondeo bracket arn't big enough then they could look at Vauxhall Omegas, Ford Scorpios or Volvo 900s (the saloons arn't common but are much less desirable then the estates). I doub't you'd get an 850 for a grand.

You could look out for a 7 seater estate but the only ones they'll be lickely to find at the price is the Renault 21 savana, although there are 7 seater Omegas and 406s.

MPVs and 4x4 hold they're value too well so unless you're happy with a 20 year old car they won't get anything for £1000. I've seen a £1000 espace, it had it's sun roofs stuck in with mastick.
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This is very difficult becuase they will find very little that is going to fit their critiera for this sort of budget. I mean if a Mondeo isn't big enough in the back... even bigger stuff like an old 5 Series isnt really any wider.

Maybe they should stop having kids till they can afford to cater for them :p
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