Carb crazy wife is now diabetic, advice....

18 Oct 2002
My wife is (was) a snack monster - constantly eating/snacking during the day (and no - she's not fat - she's 5ft 5 and 7.5 stone) - high metabolism so she burns it off in no time, also having young children helps as you never get a minute peace. She's from the "eat little and often" school of thought.

Last week she was diag as type 1 - seems a virus has triggered auto-immune type 1 diabetes - pancreas = fried so she's now struggling with the hunger for carbs (carbs that she can't now have) - the high carb snacks have to stop and she's now carb counting everything. Sad times.

There must be a few diabetics here - what carb sensible snacks/meals have you discovered?

Any advice welcomed.

She's just constantly hungry. :(
When you say you wife snacked often, and on high carbs snacks, do you mean crisps, biscuits and stuff? (junk)

She eats healthy meals. The snacks were either fruit (which crazily she now has to moderate because of the high natural sugar content) or stuff like crisps/flapjack/croissant/brioche roll/toast/muffin etc - high carb stuff.

I wonder if her constant 'hunger' is in fact just in her head because she's not consuming carbs like she was?
I made a stirfry yesterday - god damn regular noodles are super high carbed!

Sent her blood sugars through the roof.
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