Carbide 500R silent built

27 Oct 2009
West Sussex
Project Log: AuricShadow

Hi Everyone :)

This will be a small build log of my new build - finally moving from my good old laptop (HP 8510p with 8510w mod) to a proper PC :)

I've been planning this for a long time now and finally the hardware is on its way! Some hasn't been finalized as I need to do one more comparison (motherboards) but then its just this waiting time!

The rig will be used for a bit of gaming (Witcher 2!) and my main design & photo work so it's a bit more like a workstation-gaming rig :)

Now for the hardware I've gone with:

- 2500K - could spend a bit more and get the 2600K but I honestly don't see the point
- mobo - Z68 for sure, still doing a bit of a research and will make up my mind soon!
- MSI 6950 Twin Frozr III 2GB - one now... 2nd to Xfire them in a few months (well, unless the HD7xxx are going to be muuuch faster I might get one of these than)
- XFX 850W XXX Silver+ PSU
- 8GB 1866MHz CL9 Corsair Vengeance :)
- 128GB Crucial M4 SSD
- F3 1TB HDD
- Sony Optiarc 7260s-0B DVD-RW
- Asus Xonar STX card
- Corsair Obsidian 650D case ... (thats a change after a disappointment over a 500R)
- Corsair H100 cooler

The build will probably take about a week-two to complete to the initial usable state ;) as I will have to be patient and wait for the hardware...
After that it will be time to take measurements for sleeving, see what can be improved in terms of making is near silent (fans, mods, controllers, etc.)

I've got access to sound level monitor and other 'lab' equipment which some of you might find interesting as Im going to compare initial with 'pimped up' build lol :)

Can't wait!!!!!

PS. Still thinking about an appropriate name for the rig... I was thinking about something like corsaiRRR X3, as there are 3 Corsair parts and also the PSU is an XXX model :) what do you think?
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I would go for a corsair psu myself m8 xfx's customer service isnt very good over here just incase you have a problem. Other than that it looks good m8 it will be a nice system.
Thanks Apem.
Ive got the XFX on order already but Im hoping there should be nothing wrong with it! Anyway, this particular one is suppose to be one of the best PSU in this range.
- Corsair H100 cooler

Good luck making that quiet.

- F3 1TB HDD

And that. Noisiest drive I've used with nasty vibrations to boot.

Good luck with the build though. Just that silence might be a bit of a stretch based on your component selection.
Well, I'll see how bad the stock fans are and then upgrade accordingly :)

Also, never had a problem with my F3... and Ive got it in a caddy now, 30cm from me, being used and cant hear a thing.

Silent 'mode' is usually for the evening anyway so I wont disturb others but Ill see what I can do :)

500R arrived... disappointed with the quality to say the least... seems like I will be changing to 650D in the end...
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Well... looks like there will be a change of the case... Carbide is going back on Tue, new 650D should arrive shortly! :)

Can a mod please change the topic's title to: Obsidian 650D quiet built :)
Update :)

New case arrived, courier hasn't picked up the 500R yet so I took a pic for comparison :)


Now just waiting for the mobo and CPU.. oh! and decided to go with ASRock Extreme4 in the end... Ive got a color theme in mind and thought that doing another blue-black one would not be of interest to anyone ;)
Thanks for the picture of the two cases, it helps put the relative sizes into perspective. Good luck with your build!
From a quick look inside the 650D is in the box with the front up so thats why they look a bit odd :) Its amazing how much extra bulkier the box is with just extra 1in L, 0.9in W, 0.5in H of the 650D.

Also, one thing that was quite awkward on the 500R box... no side opening for your hands!!!!

More to come later as I will get started with taking pictures and jogging some notes down with thoughts about each part I got myself :)
We shall see! Tested the PSU and fans of the H100 yesterday and they are terrible... definitely need to get GTs!
Finally all the important stuff arrived :) can start building today, shame I have to be at work tomorrow :/

Anyway, a bigish update coming later this evening... maybe by then a mod could change the topic for me please....?
New topic: Project Log: AuricShadow


Let's go then!

So what I got in the end:
- 2500K
- ASRock Z68 Extreme4 Gen3
- MSI 6950 Twin Frozr III 2GB
- XFX 850W Silver 80+ PSU (P1-850B-NLG9, new black version)
- 8GB 1866MHz CL9 Corsair Vengeance
- 128GB Crucial M4 SSD
- F3 1TB HDD
- Sony Optiarc 7260s-0B DVD-RW
- Corsair Obsidian 650D case
- Corsair H100 cooler
- TP Link High Gain N wireless adapter

- Asus Xonar STX card (hasn't arrived yet! grrrrr)

I will be writing up a few thing on each of the components as I want this built to be a small review of them all at the same time.

Enjoy the pics of most of the kit :)
















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Update coming later today from my assembly last night :) so busy with other stuff that didnt even get to install Win7 on this :(
Is it me or does the number of boxes vs number of power supplies in this picture not compute :confused:

boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within boxes within


Is it me or does the number of boxes vs number of power supplies in this picture not compute :confused:[/QUOTE]

LOL :) This PSU comes in the big silver box (left) and has a black sleeve kind of thing over it (right, rotated 90deg). Then inside the big silver box there is a flat silver one which holds all the modular cables :)
I guess Ive set this up to be so confusing ;)

[quote="bastic, post: 20442030"]do you plan to water cool GPU's ?
if not, it wont be quiet ;D[/QUOTE]
I only need this to be quiet when at idle or when not doing a lot.
I still want it to be quiet when doing stuff but I can live with a bit of noise.
Custom WC loop is going in as the next step after a fan + fan controller upgrade. I would imagine it in 2-3 months, not longer than that.

[quote="G-Dubs, post: 20442065"]Looks very nice, and some nice photography, what camera/lens are you using?[/QUOTE]

d700 + 28mm AI-S :) love this combo for closeups and wide angle shots.
I'll probably take some later with 50mm and 85mm.

Off to download some RAWs from yesterday :)
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