Carbon Monoxide Alarm Just Went Off!!

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17 Jul 2008
a House
our carbon monoxide alarm has just gone of, my dad reset power and checked everything, all seemed ok, so we headed back bed, just gone of again so he cut power to it and parents and bro have gone bed, is there anything to worry about, should i call the fire brigade?
Call TRANSCO 0800 111999 and tell them your co alarm has activated. They will send an engineer within 1 - 2hrs to check your appliances. They will not be able to fix any problems but they will make them safe for you. Its free for this call and for the engineer to visit so it wont cost you a thing.

and how long will they take to 'sort' it all?
i would also suggest waking everyone in your house up as well if you havent already done so, it is nicer to have them shout at you if this is a false alarm then run the risk of being at their funeral if you live.

theve gone back bed, and i struggle to wake them at 12 in the day, let alone 1:10am!

also when i phone the number my phone just goes beepbeepbeep and goes again
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