Cardiff, again.

18 Sep 2005
Not a very exciting bunch, but a couple of snaps from Cardiff, yesterday :



Those were the only two I was really happy with.

Here's a few other random snaps, though :



Colin_da_Killer said:
#2 I like the most and #1 comes close second. The rest don't really interest me too much, sorry.
Agreed. The last one is very street lamp yellow too.
Cheers chaps. I know that the last three aint much cop, but I thought I'd post em' up anyway :)

@ Samiad : heh! the whole area is quite nice for taking shots, but I find it a compositional nightmare - there's always some random tree or lampost in the way!

Kind of why I'm at such an extreme angle, although it doesn't do the Lady justice like that.
Cool to see those shots. I studied in Cardiff (97 to 2000), so they bring back memories. Just by that Church beside the Market was one of my favourite places, the Café Francais. Long gone to give way to some pizza place.
Nice shots there mate.
I'm studying in Cardiff right now. It's a great city.
Tell you what, if you're ever looking for a shooting buddy, drop me an email (address on my website)
Cheers for the positive comments chaps. I constantly feel like I'm learning tons, so it's good to hear that this seems to be rubbing off on my shots :)

@ neverender - I'm not actually "in" Cardiff, but am about there quite often. So I'll likely take you up on that offer :D
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