Career adivce needed.

17 Sep 2012
Hey guys, just a quick one, next year i was all set to join the royal navy, only to find out ive got an eye disease i didn't know about so thats blew all chances of me getting in.

What i was wondering was, how hard is it to get into the software development type jobs? i have a great interest in building computers and using software on them, it would be great if i knew how to develop software.
Now i have no background or experience in this department, i was looking at possible open university courses ( can't leave work for a full time course as i have a partner and kid and house to pay for ) i can gain free entry to the course due to me earning under £16,150 PA.

The course i was looking at was this one

it came from this page

where it says these course are an ideal start for a career in IT.
Im not happy in the job im in at the moment and would like to do something im interested in and can progress in.

If anyone can offer me advice on how to get started, that would be great.

Thanks for replying, will go straight for the degree route then, its basically the other course rolled into it right? so i cant just go straight for the degree route, since it has the My digital life module also to get you started into it?

The thing is i live in scotland, and because i earn under 16K a year with dependants (my son) im eligible to free entry into it.

Yeah i've heard positive things about the OU, and heard you need to keep motiviated, which i will :)
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