Career advice for a budding developer...

10 Dec 2012

In 2011 I graduated with a 3rd class CS degree from a pretty good University. At the time I spent way too much time enjoying university, hence the poor degree, also, the whole concept of programming hadn't quite clicked as quickly as it should have done. Either way, some how I managed to find myself doing software testing for an engineering firm and I also get to maintain their VB6 code whilst playing around with projects of my own. My degree was taught using Java (like every other CS course in the UK) but since working for my current company I have spent quite a lot of time using C# and programming has finally clicked. I understand a lot more and really enjoy it. I want to branch off and become a developer at some point. My question is what can I do to help myself get a job in software development? My degree isn't strong and my job doesn't give me a lot of experience in development.

However, I am going on the Microsoft: Programming in C# 20483 and then I plan on taking the accompanying exam. Will this be enough?

What else should I be doing?

Thanks guys, your right, i should try and develop some automatic tests... i think that would be a pretty good project.

i have been working on projects... but theyre more re-vamps of the old vb6 programs my company has developed. Hopefully after i actually get close to having a finished system they might consider using it.

thanks for your advice...
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