Hi Guys/Girls. I've been racking my brain for 6 months now about what I want to do with the rest of my life - work wise. I've been a plumber for 10.5 year now, 10 years of that with the same company. Last year my old company outsourced the building site we worked on so that they wouldn't have carded labour and could increase profits. We were transferred under TUPE to this new company who only employed subbies and ground workers, funnily enough, the vast majority of us were made redundant. I'm not bitter as I understand its normal now not to employ carded labour - you can save a boat load on pensions, holiday and when times might go quite - its the way of the world, companies are there to turn profit at the end of the day! I got another job pretty much straight away, but ever since, I have really not enjoyed my work, I dread going in every day wishing my weeks away and have become less productive smoking every half hour. This is not good for my employer who is a genuinely good bloke, or me, as its affecting my home life now. I also ask myself the question, can I see myself doing this in 30 years time, the answer is no. The job takes its toll on you, back, knees, knuckle joints, dust and noise to name a few. I feel like just going in Monday and jacking in now!
Right back on subject. The question is, what job will I enjoy doing? This is where you peeps come in, I'm after some sensible suggestions of jobs that exist out there, maybe these are jobs that you have fallen into and enjoy or are looking at getting into. I know jobs are subjective to the person - but any sensible ideas would be appreciated even if they don't crop up that often.
Some of the jobs I've ruled out are: Armed forces, police, RSPCA Inspector, home pc building (Saturated market and only the big boys can compete on buying power).
Qualifications not plumbing related are Higher than average GCSE's, all B or above....with the exception of French.
Anyways, over to you.
Right back on subject. The question is, what job will I enjoy doing? This is where you peeps come in, I'm after some sensible suggestions of jobs that exist out there, maybe these are jobs that you have fallen into and enjoy or are looking at getting into. I know jobs are subjective to the person - but any sensible ideas would be appreciated even if they don't crop up that often.
Some of the jobs I've ruled out are: Armed forces, police, RSPCA Inspector, home pc building (Saturated market and only the big boys can compete on buying power).
Qualifications not plumbing related are Higher than average GCSE's, all B or above....with the exception of French.
Anyways, over to you.