Career change back into IT role, but what?

12 Mar 2004
In my past life (I'm 34) I used to work as a freelance android developer for a mate and then an IT support technician which was alright but got a bit boring sometimes due to the lack of challenge, and future career prospects didn't seem good, but during this time I did independently obtain a CCENT. After I was made redundant I ended up working for the council for 6 years working in an administrative/technical support role, but not technically IT, I stayed for so long because I was just coasting really, the pay was ok and decent benefits.

Now I've lost that job I want to switch career back to IT, but not totally sure what, I enjoy networking (hence the CCENT), but also programming, data science, and security so maybe cyber security would be a good area to focus on?

I'm not sure where to start studying or what certifications are worthwhile? I have 300 credits of a computer science degree that I never completed due to mental health issues at the time, which I believe is equivalent to a bachelors degree without honours.
That's along the lines I was thinking, programming/devops, networking, data analysis, cyber security, but there are a few different providers offering different courses and while some e.g. CISCO networking certifications are highly respected, I don't know if their cyber security ones are, and I don't know about CompTia et al.
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