Career change

18 Oct 2002
Quite a few threads like this recently but I'm finally fed up with working dead end jobs. I have never put any focus on my career and it shows. I have been in unskilled picking jobs since leaving school and I'm finally ready for a change. Although less money, a couple of weeks ago I applied for an IT tech support job (not heard anything back) to try and branch out but I feel my CV could be putting potential employers off with a lack of experience?

I'm 32 and feel a bit lost in regards of where to start with everything. I still don't have a career path in mind that I'd like to go down as I feel being too picky at this point of my life will just limit my choices further. Should I go back to college and learn something to gain a qualification before attempting anything? I feel if I don't make a change now another 10 years will have passed and I'll be exactly where I am today asking the same questions.
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