Career Change

3 Jun 2012

I'm currently a secondary school Computing teacher. I've decided that due to various reasons that teaching is no longer the profession for me.

Does anyone have any advice or idea on what sort of Career would be ideal to move into with my set of Qualifications?

Degree in AI & Mobile Robotics, PGCE in Secondary Education.

I think i'd enjoy something in the robotics maintenance field, but am unsure how to even access that type of industry.

Any guidance is appreciated
I think you have quite a few options. It sounds like you did in interesting degree

Do a masters, in this type of field i think a masters is a prerequisite for most of the roles and the university contacts/alumni will be a big help breaking in

Start going to relevant trade shows/events try and work out who the major players are network and try and slide a CV in

Take a sideways move. Probably not exactly what you want but software RPA is pretty big right now and theres a shortage of people.

Start a Roomba repair company
No idea about robotics repair tbh.. but re: AI a masters (or indeed PhD) can be useful. Problem is kind of depends on what you actually did at undergrad - some gimmicky undergrad degrees can be a bit shallow. I mean if your degree was essentially put together with say parts of a BSc in Computer science and parts of a BEng Engineering degree offered at the same legit uni then it could be absolutely fine for a masters. If on the other hand it was some soft gimmicky course put together by some low rank uni then you might struggle with some MSc applications.
Thanks for the advice so far.

I'd really like to avoid any sort of further education if im honest, I spent most of my 20s in education and now work in education. Absolutely sick of it.

A sideways move is fine, as long as I don't suffer too much financially.

I'll see if there are any trade shows happening.
I would advise to maybe look at this on the side as a hobby first prior to signing up £10ks to do a university degree in a topic which you may not like. Plus if it interests you then you might find job opportunities as you learn about it - I don't imagine they get floods of candidates so can't be too picky about whether you have a degree so you save your self a load of cash.
Sorry your leaving teaching dude, need more CS teachers now than ever!

Can I ask what changed your mind? Are you set on leaving? A new school could represent a new challenge etc?
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