Career change

10 Sep 2020
Hi folks, a career change post; I had a quick look and see a few of these kicking about. I'm just looking for advice. I'll post my own story as we all have one. Mainly looking for pointers and advice :)

As I sit here, I'm faced with "do I give people the long winded version" or the "short version" question.
I will try to do both! A happy-medium So feel free to skip as I can rabble on, suppose it's an easy trap to fall into when talking about ones-self and circumstances, maybe I'm just self-absorbed, anyway...

I used to work as an Sales Executive / Account Manager in the Oil & Gas industry, I took volunteered redundancy, the industry has been on its knees for a few years and wasn't going to see me forever; I hope I'm wrong with that but renewables is the big up and coming thing these days. I was comfortable being uncomfortable so continued the grind.

I've always wanted to work with computers but told myself I was too stupid for this; turns out I was just a lazy b*stard. So I'm currently in the process of training/studying (CompTIA A+, CYSA+ etc) as I'm guaranteed a job out of it, if I study and pass the exams. I'm trying to be pro-active and upskill / study some stuff on the side too. I've also always had an interest in programming and it's handy to know a little, so I'm looking at Python for starters.

Anyone got any recommendations on where to start for that? I wouldn't mind something I can slap on my CV too, like a certificate or something. I can see options on Coursera but there's also like PCEP ( ??)Ultimately I'm looking to get into Cybersecurity and seemingly Python is utilised for that too. I've stopped and started but I used to work full-time and have 2 young kids.

My grades are a bit rubbish; so I'm thinking about going for some certs of higher education - IT & Computing, mathematics and English!

I'm looking to change my career and any advice would be appreciated.
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