Career Move Advice

1 Mar 2006
Hi Guys, I need a bit of advice if you would be so kind!

Due to confidentiality I can't go into much detail but one of my larger customers has kinda offered me an interview in IT support in London, as my name has been banded around a lot lately! The company is very well known and respected and I would a great step up from where I am at the moment.

I would really like to do this but theres three things holding me back:

1) I have a 19" TFT and Laptop on HP from my current company so I would presumably have to pay it back. Which i can't afford to do right now.
2) I have no real qualifications in IT but I am very good. I'm in the middle of sorting this out with various e-learning things from my current employer as well as extra things but I don't think this would mean diddly squat!
3) It's london.

However it's at least double my current salary :D and I'm due for a change as I'm beginning to get sick of Lincoln.

I will be ringing the HR dept anyway tomorrow to find more details out, but what do you guys think? Any advice would be great!

Thanks! :)

Go for it! Double the salary, London, bigger company. Do it! If you need to pay off the laptop either ask the new company for an advance on your wages or get out a little loan and pay it off over a few months.
I have been in a similar position with an employee and we held onto the equipment until the loan for the item had been repaid. We allowed a reasonable amount of time for the repayment and did not charge any interest. Good luck with the new job - I would grab it with both hands if I were in your position. One more point, however, is don't make any rash moves until you've had a formal job offer in writing from the new company.
I think I'll ring tomorrow - I have been given the name of a specific HR person to speak to so I will have a chat with her... :D

Still not sure about living in London though, does anyone else here live in London? I'm used to the countryside!


Don't keep asking why you should, ask yourself why you shouldn't! :p

Is there really anything keeping you where you are that you'd lose by moving?
I was in almost exactly the same position a year ago. I was offered an interview for much better paid job even though i had very liitle experience to back up my degree. I don't regret taking the plunge my new job has bee a real challenge, i've had to really work hard expanding my knowledge but i now have loads of new skills and more money. Go for it!!
Yeah, go for it mate. As you have no real IT qualifications, you may never get an opportunity like this in the future.

Grab it with both hands. Best of luck! :)
Just flog the laptop and TFT.

I cannot believe two crappy material items are even a concern over this life-changing career move.
Tesla said:
Just flog the laptop and TFT.

I cannot believe two crappy material items are even a concern over this life-changing career move.

I know, I know but I am a very short sighted person and I really am mega skint at the moment! I could commute on the train into london instead of actually living there...

But anyway, the person I needed to speak to wasn't there today so I've emailed her and I will try ringing her again tomorrow.

I will let you guys know and thanks for the advice! :D
Just go for it. Think about the laptop etc after you get the job. You can always give the stuff back and cut your losses.
Maz said:
Redicolous exageration.

It's not literally double what it cost elsewhere.

£250 grand for a 4 bedroom house in Surrey, in London you would be lucky to get a flat with that money.
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