Career Suggestion Website in Early Beta

24 Sep 2007
Hi Guys

I have come up with a new website concept. It's for people that can't think what to do for a career, and it just makes a random career suggestion. I have a very early beta version up at:

Do you think this is a useful concept? Would you use this website?

I need to add a lot more careers into my database. Feel free to suggest careers I should add to it in the thread, preferably with a short explanation about the career. If you want to explain/publicise your own career, now's your chance!

If you actually want to make the site even remotely useful, why not take a little info (not least of all because that's more useful for targeted marketing/advertising) and try to match aptitude/interests with certain career paths and/or sectors?

At the moment it's little more than a random word generator (for phrases beginning with the Letter A).

I could later add something that matched aptitude/interests to careers, and I might do that.

Less, it is a random generator. I thought I would be doing something different here as I haven't seen this done before. It's for the people that have no clue what to do, to give them ideas.
Errr... What is the point of that?

Also, there are about 5 careers that all start with A?

It's for the people that can't think of anything to do. It's like a random idea generator.

I know there isn't much career data in it at the moment, I will be adding many more careers, it's just very early stage.
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