Careers in IT

3 May 2011
Hi All,

I'm after a bit of advice, I'm 30 years old and have been working at management level in the Transport industry for the past 6 years. I've stumbled into this job but I get no satisfaction and I need a change in my life.

My question is I love computers, have built them, been around them all my life and have a good understanding of them but would love to work with them. In what capacity I'm honestly not sure but I'm after some advice on a potential career change.

What courses are best to study in my own time to help get a job in IT? What roles are available which pay a reasonable amount? Any sort of tips really.
do you have a degree?
I don't, I'm looking at Open University courses and have seen a BSc Honours Computing and IT Course.. didn't know if it was worthwhile.

Have you done a search? There are probably around 100 threads like this in the last 6-12 months.

Really sorry I didn't, just gandered about on the forums but didn't really do a search.
Aside from GCSE my only other qualifications is accreditations within the Transport industry, not checked if they have any merit for anything else though.

I like the programming and software aspect of computing, in my youth I messed about with Visual Basic and made a couple of programs but never did anything more with it. Preferably would like something like this but no idea where to start.
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