Careful when buying a used DC5

Wow I've just sat and read through the whole thread, very lucky indeed for him to find the DC5 Beware thread on another forum just a couple of weeks after he bought it. Very lucky escape indeed getting a full refund. To the dealer I am truely shocked with their conduct, as someone said how can they sleep at night.
Interesting story ! Glad he got money back with no quibbles. That is the problem with imports, not knowing the total history. Dealship obviously knew and are still trying to flog it off to some unexpecting victim...typical.
it sounds like both those guys bought a car that they only drove. Did none of them check that the ABS light came on when starting it up? By the sounds of it, there was a lot wrong to notice but neither did.
I think people are quite naive when buying from a dealer and always expect no issues with the cars they buy. Quite an eye opener, I know I wouldn't of thought to get someone to personally inspect it :(
I also have a similar story which did scare me. Before I went out and got my Accord my wife was adamant that I should get a Jag X-type 2.5. Saw a silver 1 in the Jag dealer in Slough which had just come in as a part-ex and was the right price. The car had just come in and was still dirty inside and out but I took it out for a test drive, came back and asked why 1 wing looked a slighty diff colour the the rest, was told probably cause the cars dirty so agreed a price, left a 1k deposit for it with a clause that they look at the wing.

Next day I get a phone, the cars been washed but the bodyshop have confirmed that the wing is a slightly diff colour, we can get them to blow the wing in to match the rest of the car. Hang on a mo I said, why is the wing a diff colour, I thought you told me that that the car hasn't been in any accidents.

Drove over to the dealership with a friend who knows a lot more about cars then I do, he opened the bonnet, looked at it for a few minutes and said the entire front of the car has been rebuilt and rebuilt very badly, the front wings were fitted badly and weren't even secure, they moved about at the joints under the bonnet, the wiring in the engine bay had signs of overspray and frayed wiring, the front of the car including the bumper were all misaligned etc..

Got my deposit back no quibbles but it does show you that even a garage can get caught out. Apparently the guy who traded the car in was a regular customer, he claimed to have no knowledge of any accident and the repair hadn't been done by Jaguar hence no history showing on their system.
wow someone further down on that thread pasted the website of the dealer in question. Thats unbelievable !!

I live over in conwy and this mochre garage was (its now got no cars in it and has been abandoned for a month or two) about 5 mins drive from me. I test drove a 5-series here about 3-4 months ago and the guy seemed extremely genuine in his mid 50's maybe, he was just stereotypically the sort of friendly bloke you'd trust. Shows you have to be so careful and trust absolutely nobody and check everything for yourself.
Its stories like this that make me dread buying my next car. I don't really know enough to be confident I'm not buying a duff one. I was lucky with my current car in that my mechanic was based just a few miles up the road and the dealer was happy for me to take the car for a couple of hours at a time to get it up on the ramps and looked at.
The first guy is lucky to get his money back, but after he told the dealer about all the problems and he sold it on a second time, personally i would report him for that!

Remeber kids, if you don't know owt about cars don't buy one alone!
Also, remember this place doesn't seem to exist anymore so its more than likely that he has moved on to somewhere else and maybe under a different name.
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