Carmageddon IOS App - free today only

Sweet, thanks for the heads up :D

(posted link to this thread in Apple Software for the people who don't venture into GD there)
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Android version coming later. Should have released it on Android first as there are more Android users than Apple ones.

Lots of developers are shying away from Android because of how ridiculously easy it is to pirate on the platform.

Anyone else that gets .. add me on GC: Alpherah86
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If you install it on an iPhone 5 does you car end up going the wrong way round the track most of the time?

No, but your car turns into a Prius and the aim of the game is to avoid the other competitors and stop to plant trees. You get bonuses for painting pretty pictures with your car and sueing other competitors for also using components like wheels and windscreens
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