Carpark Attendant help

22 Dec 2002
We went out tonight for a little pre my birthday outing. Firstly went and had chinese and everything was fine (food was nice too ;))

However, three of the four cars went and parked in a carpark. We were sat there for about a minute at most, sorting out change and waiting for the other cars to come and park up. (walk to cinema)

A fat bloke comes over and writes down our registration numbers one by one and I watch him in amazement. Conversation goes like this

Me : Excuse me mate, is there a problem
Fatty : Yes you've been here for at least five minutes and not paid for a ticket. The council are getting fed up with people like you
Me : Excuse me? We are going to the cinema
Fatty : You have been here too long. You might get a ticket
Me : A ticket? For what? I am paying to park here.
Fatty : The council are really cracking down on this, why else would they pay me double time to get registrations.

Anyhows be all and end all of it - I got rather annoyed so locked up the car and went to the cinema.

I have kept the ticket which has an expiry time of 01:35..... so thats just under an hour away. The film finished at just before 12 which I also have the ticket for.

Sorry for long windedness and awful grammer, its quite late :)
Do I complain to someone about this or just keep the tickets and wait and see?
they won't do anything and even if they do just ignore it , there are so many flaws in regard to private companies issuing penalty fines that they are very reluctant to persue things
-Mike- said:
We went out tonight for a little pre my birthday outing. Firstly went and had chinese and everything was fine (food was nice too ;))

However, three of the four cars went and parked in a carpark. We were sat there for about a minute at most, sorting out change and waiting for the other cars to come and park up. (walk to cinema)

A fat bloke comes over and writes down our registration numbers one by one and I watch him in amazement. Conversation goes like this

Me : Excuse me mate, is there a problem
Fatty : Yes you've been here for at least five minutes and not paid for a ticket. The council are getting fed up with people like you
Me : Excuse me? We are going to the cinema
Fatty : You have been here too long. You might get a ticket
Me : A ticket? For what? I am paying to park here.
Fatty : The council are really cracking down on this, why else would they pay me double time to get registrations.

Anyhows be all and end all of it - I got rather annoyed so locked up the car and went to the cinema.

I have kept the ticket which has an expiry time of 01:35..... so thats just under an hour away. The film finished at just before 12 which I also have the ticket for.

Sorry for long windedness and awful grammer, its quite late :)
Do I complain to someone about this or just keep the tickets and wait and see?

About time fatty got a life lol.

It can't be a great job, writing no. plates down all day. Just ignore anything comes your way, you have proof that you purchased a ticket.
Fat loser on a power trip tbh. You have your film stubs and parking ticket so I think that should be sufficent evidence if anything comes of it.
panthro said:
Fat loser on a power trip tbh. You have your film stubs and parking ticket so I think that should be sufficent evidence if anything comes of it.

Lol ;) Cheered me up somewhat. Its just really irritating. Maybe he thinks we are a bunch of boy racers or something. I just wanted to go see a film (rubbish film btw ;) )

I guess he was put there by the council as its a council owned carpark. Leave it or make a complaint to them?
Tough call......if you complain then it may lead to even more grief which you dont want. If you dont, he may report you first and will carry on hassling people.

I think I would leave it for the time being.
Well all three of us have our paid for carpark tickets, at a flat rate because it was after 6pm, and our cinema tickets. Hopefully I shall hear nothing. Just does my head in :mad:
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