Carphone Warehouse

22 Nov 2002
Wherever I want to be

I've noticed on their website(CPW) that they will offer a price match if I can find cheaper, now the question is, does the same go for a Carphone Warehouse store? As I've seen a great deal on the W800i...

CPW = 9 months 1/2 price
E2SAVE = 11 months 1/2 price

line rental.

Yes the shops have price match too. The product has to be identical though (to the point that if it's an Orange boxed phone for example then they can't pricematch).
In the case of E2save, erm they are CPW :p
Go in the shop and see what they say is your best bet.
Yes these deals are both on Orange.

Is the W800i a good handset as i'm off out in a few mins to look at em.
I've got one and I love it.
Plays mp3s pretty well, can store plenty on the memory stick. Photo quality's decent too. I've always been used to Nokia phones but I've got used to the interface on this one very quickly.
Very happy with it :)
I went to the CPW in Manchester City Centre and a member of staff told me he can't price match against e2save as they are both of the same company.

Haly is your w800 like a creamy colour? As the one I tried was...

I was led to believe they were pure white.

Because of this it's put me off and I fancy the K750i more :eek:

It's a mixture of cream and orange. Not the most amazing of looks but I wasn't really bothered about the looks :p
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