
16 Nov 2002
The Moon
Who likes them? Quite like some of their tunes, can't quite put my hand on what it is, maybe its that the bird in the videos is fit, or that the tunes are quite catchy, but there is no doubting that the vocalist can sing as illustrated by the candlelight remixes. Not usually my cup of tea as i've gone off this sort of music (dont mean to stereotype but associated with scallies/wigan pier etc) but used to be quite into the bouncy house/donk sort of music.

Whats your opinion of them?
I really dislike them. I hate the musical style of Everytime We Touch and Miracle it just sounds really chav.

That's honestly the only artist of that genre I dislike at the moment :D
CDj-Rossi said:
Whats your opinion of them?

I didn't want to reply being the first negative view but since they have said it alrady i'll just agree now. They ****** suck. It's horrible nasty cheesy music that gives EDM a bad name. My sitser paying the 'every time we touch' track on repeat for the past year or so hasn't helped

Jesus i'm drunjk, sorry if that doesnt make much sense, in a nutshell they are awful
its good down the union after a drink or 8:p also ok for the car i supose.
but they will never make a classic that people will remember i dont think.

i wouldnt say its chavvy though, chavs listen to boring drumbeats and 50cent dont they?
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mglover070588 said:
its good down the union after a drink or 8:p also ok for the car i supose.
but they will never make a classic that people will remember i dont think.

i wouldnt say its chavvy though, chavs listen to boring drumbeats and 50cent dont they?

no they listen to cascada :p

i honestly dont know how its classed as good music, the melodies etc sound like a demo button on a casio keyboard. proper EDM artists are much, much more talented
mglover070588 said:
its good down the union after a drink or 8:p also ok for the car i supose.
but they will never make a classic that people will remember i dont think.

i wouldnt say its chavvy though, chavs listen to boring drumbeats and 50cent dont they?

It has chavvy written all over it!

It's that horrible electronic sound they use.
arg annoys me so much the people that say its 'chav' music! It's your typical euro trance sorta music. I really like it myself.. good music to pump u up before going out :)
Saint said:
arg annoys me so much the people that say its 'chav' music! It's your typical euro trance sorta music. I really like it myself.. good music to pump u up before going out :)

its not trance at all! its cheese

some proper boshy hard trance > * for getting ready to go out :cool:
Tommy B said:
It has chavvy written all over it!

It's that horrible electronic sound they use.

Couldn't be more true!

All the chavs sit up the back of the bus listening to it, full volume on their mobile phones.
Cascada suck !


I will admit that when I was 16 and just getting into EDM I was listening to Back Alone (or whatever it was called) along with later stuff like Tocas Miracle and Castles In The Sky. Those were the sort of tunes that got me into dance music and things led on from there. Started listening to Gatecrasher CDs and thats when things really took off with all the classics (dont need to list em as you all know them). Now I am a fully fledged trance addict. But if it wasn't from the cheesy commercial stuff then I wouldnt be where I am today I guess.

Rant over :D
DezUk said:
Cascada suck !


I will admit that when I was 16 and just getting into EDM I was listening to Back Alone (or whatever it was called) along with later stuff like Tocas Miracle and Castles In The Sky. Those were the sort of tunes that got me into dance music and things led on from there. Started listening to Gatecrasher CDs and thats when things really took off with all the classics (dont need to list em as you all know them). Now I am a fully fledged trance addict. But if it wasn't from the cheesy commercial stuff then I wouldnt be where I am today I guess.

Rant over :D

Toca's Miracle is a tune by any standards. :cool:
DezUk said:
Cascada suck !


I will admit that when I was 16 and just getting into EDM I was listening to Back Alone (or whatever it was called) along with later stuff like Tocas Miracle and Castles In The Sky. Those were the sort of tunes that got me into dance music and things led on from there. Started listening to Gatecrasher CDs and thats when things really took off with all the classics (dont need to list em as you all know them). Now I am a fully fledged trance addict. But if it wasn't from the cheesy commercial stuff then I wouldnt be where I am today I guess.

Rant over :D

Those songs you mentioned are actually good though.
I wouldn't personally call it a TUUUNE or a CLASSIC by any means, lets face around the same era we had lots of proper trance

A few to mention....

Out Of the Blue
Binary Finary
Carte Blanche

All I am saying is that cheese like Cascada would encourage people (if they like it) to maybe go on the hunt for more of the same genre and before they know it they suddenly find the proper stuff, just like I did.
I'd have to say that for me Cascada falls into my 'cheesy-commercial trance' category.

It can be ok to jump around to for a laugh (I've only heard Everytime We Touch - who hasn't :p) but it isn't the sort of trance you would hear the big names pumping out (I'm talking about the likes of Marcel Woods, Eddie Halliwell and Mauro Picotto)

I'd be very suprised if I heard it in a club on a 'proper' trance night.

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