Looking to finalise a few details for my next build.
I'm a bit out of touch on the case front, so need a few suggestions.
Doesn't need to be too fancy, will probably have 2 HDD's (one a raptor), but maybe as many as 4 drives.
Would like the case to have good airflow and also be nice and quiet!!
At the moment I'm thinking of:
Conroe 6600 with Scythe Ninja (passive, hopefully)
1x Raptor 150Gb
1x Seagate 7200.10 320Gb
I may put the Raptor in a Silentmaxx enclosure to reduce the noise from it.
Antec Solo Quiet Mini Tower Case - No PSU (CA-058-AN)
The hard drive mounting sounds quite useful, especially as I plan to reduce the cpu fan and case fan noise as best I can anyway.
Does anyone know how good this case is with a Raptor, or would I be better using a Silentmaxx enclosure in another case?
Lian-Li PC-7 PLUS Black Aluminium Midi-Tower Case (No PSU) (CA-054-LL)
I have also considered:
Lian-Li PC-V600 Aluminum Mid Tower - Black (CA-058-LL) - Price: £74.95 (£88.07 Including VAT at 17.5%)
Akasa Eclipse 62 Aluminium Case - No PSU (CA-005-AK) - Price: £69.95 (£82.19 Including VAT at 17.5%)
But I'm not sure if the extra price will offer me anything that I couldn't get from the first 2 options.
Finally, just as I know nothing about it:
Akasa AK-ZEN-01-BK Zen Black Case - No PSU (CA-020-AK) - Price: £27.95 (£32.84 Including VAT at 17.5%)
Any comments, or other suggestions?
Many thanks in advance
I'm a bit out of touch on the case front, so need a few suggestions.
Doesn't need to be too fancy, will probably have 2 HDD's (one a raptor), but maybe as many as 4 drives.
Would like the case to have good airflow and also be nice and quiet!!
At the moment I'm thinking of:
Conroe 6600 with Scythe Ninja (passive, hopefully)
1x Raptor 150Gb
1x Seagate 7200.10 320Gb
I may put the Raptor in a Silentmaxx enclosure to reduce the noise from it.
Antec Solo Quiet Mini Tower Case - No PSU (CA-058-AN)
Featuring the latest in noise reduction technology, including dual-layer sound deadening panels, and a suspension system that makes hard drive noise a thing of the past. In addition to a variety of Quiet Computing™ features, the Solo’s versatility offers you the flexibility to choose the best power supply to fit your needs. The included 120 mm TriCool™ fan will keep your system running cool while the modern case design makes upgrading and accessing important components a breeze.
- Piano black finishing
- Dual hard drive mounting system
- 8 Drive Bays (or 7 drive bays with Suspension Mount of the HDD)
- External: 4 x 5.25” (one with 5.25” to 3.5” adapter)
- 2 x USB 2.0
- 1 x IEEE 1394 (FireWire®, i.Link®)
- Audio in/out
- 1 rear 120 mm TriCool™ fan with 3-speed switch control
- 2 front fan mounts for optional 92 mm fans to cool the HDD
Price: £55.30 (£64.98 Including VAT at 17.5%)
The hard drive mounting sounds quite useful, especially as I plan to reduce the cpu fan and case fan noise as best I can anyway.
Does anyone know how good this case is with a Raptor, or would I be better using a Silentmaxx enclosure in another case?
Lian-Li PC-7 PLUS Black Aluminium Midi-Tower Case (No PSU) (CA-054-LL)
The PC-7 Plus case is well ventilated, and includes one 12cm ball bearing fan and one 80mm sleeve bearing fan. The case is easily accessed through large, stainless steel thumbscrews on the doors and motherboard tray. There is also protective plastic edging on all case surfaces allowing you to work inside your case without fear of getting cut.
- Dimension: 210x450x490 mm ( W,H,D)
- Drive bays 4x5.25", 2x3.5", 3x3.5" internal
- Fan: 12 cm ball bearing x 1, 8 cm sleeve fan x 1
- M/B type: ATX & pentium 4 (max size: 12"x9.6")
- PSU Type:ATX
- USB2.0 x 2 IEEE 1394 x 1MIC x 1EAR x 1
Price: £48.95 (£57.52 Including VAT at 17.5%)
I have also considered:
Lian-Li PC-V600 Aluminum Mid Tower - Black (CA-058-LL) - Price: £74.95 (£88.07 Including VAT at 17.5%)
Akasa Eclipse 62 Aluminium Case - No PSU (CA-005-AK) - Price: £69.95 (£82.19 Including VAT at 17.5%)
But I'm not sure if the extra price will offer me anything that I couldn't get from the first 2 options.
Finally, just as I know nothing about it:
Akasa AK-ZEN-01-BK Zen Black Case - No PSU (CA-020-AK) - Price: £27.95 (£32.84 Including VAT at 17.5%)
Any comments, or other suggestions?
Many thanks in advance