case & airflow zalman HD135 help!

11 Feb 2007
London / Essex
im trying to keep the case as quiet as i can but dont want the thing to blow up

kit in case

E6300 stock + silverstone NT06 + 120mm noctua fan @ 600rpm
Asus P5N-E + zalman heatsink on southbridge
1gb XMS2
MSi 7300 silent
dvd-rw, 3 hdds and DVB-C card (FloppyDTV)

have taken one of the hdds out as with 3 400+ hdds there was just too much heat comming off them

the fans other then the cpu one,
2x AcoustiFan 60mm rear exhaust fans at 7v
1x Noctua 80mm bottom right exhaust fan at 7v
1x Noctua 120mm fan on top of northbridge and gfx card at 5v 600rpm
1x Nexus 80mm fan back left intake fan at 5v

temps are idle 37c and 65c at 100% load

as this is only a media rig its never at 100% load even 1080p material and its seems to be running well but im worried about the summer as my room gets very hot in the summer

i was planning on replacing the 2 120mm fans with yate loon ones would they be any better and have you guys got any ideas how i can improve setup

pictures so you get an idea of layout

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