Case design help please!

10 Sep 2010
Cornwall, England
Hey guys and girls I'm designing a case in the hope of building it soon, the case is just for me so that's why there are only two optical drive bays and no HDD rack (although I may add a small one soon)

I'll be doing some high res renders soon but before that I need an idea for dust filters. specifically what material to use and how to secure it to the case

Any idea's?



there are some magnetic filters available although quite expensive maybe you could make your own. Simple and easy to add, remove an reuse.
Minor thing, but the design would look slightly cleaner if the right angle bracket securing the motherboard tray to the horizontal divider shelf went behind rather than in front so it's stealthed and not on show. And similarly, if the right angled bracket attaching the horizontal divider to the i/o side went was below and out of sight.

Lovely design though. :)
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As for the dust filters - how about a slide out tray for the top - could slot in the top at the back for easy cleaning. Low denier (better airflow) black tights are a good material. Ahem.
@ Danny, its just google sketchup for the design (free to download) and Kerkythea for rendering (also free).

@ Monkey, thanks for the advice on the brackets, I still have a lot of work to do on the design (side panels, cable management, hinges ETC...)

@Nemesis, The TJ07 is amazing (I've had one) but I'm looking for a project (scratch build)

I think I will go with magnetic dust filters but I'll be making my own.
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