case fans

Mikebert4 said:
well, the fan controller is a good idea... great to be able to slow everything down an leave your PC folding overnight... The vibration dampening mounts IMO don't do anything for noise, i've used anti-vibration tape (stuff they use on aircraft instrument panels - tis verrry good) on my fans before now and barely noticed a drop in noise at all, if you exclude the fact my MoBo tray used to rattle and now it doesn't.

If you're using Oil damped bearings, be wary of fan controllers as those that use PWM (pulse width modulation) have been known to distroy these fans, spewing the oily goo everywhere... (ask people about using the freezer64 Pro with PWM) doesn't happen to all fans, nor all the time, but it's a risk..

Mag-lev fans are a geat noise-CFM ratio, though they're not cheap and they're hard to get hold of (i would linky but i'd get in trouble for linking to competors.. not sure if OCUK sells 'em).

I've even tried removing all the outside rim off one of my fans, leaving just the motor and two mount holes... not worth the effort either, noise dropped a little but CFM plummeted :(

IMO, bite the bullet, pay the extra and get yourself some silent fans such as Akasa Ambers or panaflows.

lol no worries bout the linky
thanx for all the advice,really appreciated ;)

deffo gunna get the akasa ambers :cool:
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