I'm after a cheap case for a file server I'm putting together. There will be 4/5 hard drives in there but at the same time I want it as small as possible as it's going in the loft
I was thinking of the Akasa Zen case, and using a couple of drive bay convertors, unless anyone knows of a smallish case that has the capacity for lots of 3.5" drives?
Aside from the hard drives, it'll be an mATX motherboard, P4 and RAID card. So a mATX case would do, if I could fit the drives in there?
I'm after a cheap case for a file server I'm putting together. There will be 4/5 hard drives in there but at the same time I want it as small as possible as it's going in the loft
I was thinking of the Akasa Zen case, and using a couple of drive bay convertors, unless anyone knows of a smallish case that has the capacity for lots of 3.5" drives?
Aside from the hard drives, it'll be an mATX motherboard, P4 and RAID card. So a mATX case would do, if I could fit the drives in there?