Case Lighting?

28 Oct 2002

I'm deciding whether I should stick some light in my rig, something subtle and something I can also turn off. But not sure what color?

Red or Orange? Any Suggestions?

Well green allways looks cool.

Probabilly orange or red whould make it look pretty good. You do need to show them juicy bits off inside.
I bought some sharoon "red" CCFLs to go in my Akasa eclipse but they look pink. :( I may go for green. The akasa lights on this website are probably redder.
Thanks Guys,

The trouble is looking inside the Eclipse where do you mount the lights? as there no real way to hide them.
I put one on the floor of the case right next to the window and one between the window and the back 120mm case fan. (Have to view at extreme angles to see them). I want to put ont on the other side of the HDD/ODD cage aswell. You can even stick one on the right hand side of the window just behind the plastic front but it has to be stuck to the window panel.
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