Case recommendations.

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Having had to swap out my other half's case for one of my Lian Li's *don't even ask... :mad: * I now need a new case for my testing/development machine.

Was tempted by Lubic... when I thought for about 10 seconds and couldn't be bothered to build it. :D

Would love one of the Mozarts - but it's FAR to large to fit under my desk.

Very tempted by another YY Cube. I just love them.

Or - making a basic cube from a couple of Lian Li PC-7 Plus cases.

Not bothered by noise - it's my work machine.
Space is the main requirement.
The ability for it to fit under my desk is a good one as well.
As is to fit under my desk with my amp on top of it.

Needs to hold 2 optical drives, an iomega Rev drive, full length SCSI RAID card and 5 SCSI drives, 3 IDE drives, X1800 and a AMD 165.


Having not bought a case in several years I'm a little behind the times case wise. :D

Just bought a 2nd hand Coolermaster ACT S4000 for peanuts *well.. 2 pints and a meal...*

It's got a couple of little mods done to it to free up airflow a bit - but it's complete and can fit in my rack as well to clear up some floorspace. :D

Seems to be several of these appearing again recently.

All I'll need to do is swipe one of the drive cages from the other half's Lian Li and secure that in place.


Cheers. :D

The chap I've just got it off *for near enough free. :D* has done a couple of little mods. Nothing too mental though.

As I'll be rackmounting it, it frees up some floorspace for my YY Cube and the amp.

I won't be doing too much to it - possibly replacing the normal fans with Delta's. :D

Just picked up the case.

Needs some cleaning and a bit of polishing to make it all shiny again. It's a bit of a monster case though. :D

I love it!

What a superb case to work with.

Spent about 3 hours adding in the extra drive rack and getting everything installed. *Length of The Sum of all Fears and the first half of Goodfellas*

Will be going into the rack later on tonight. Fan's have been switched for Deltas throughout. Yes - it's noisy - but it's going into a cupboard. Keeps it lovely and cool.

Wish I could get another couple of these and do some case transplants on my servers.

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