Case Space

22 Jul 2004
Hi all,

I was all for buying an Antec Sonata 2, then I discovered the cooling duct at the rear. I am planning on fitting a DS3 or DS4 with either a Sythe Ninja or a Tuniq tower. It looks like the cooling duct runs over the CPU socket, is this correct. I read a review that mentioned the ducting could be adjusted, or even just removed altogether. Has anyone any experience with this case?
It kinda got me thinking about fitting such a big heatsink, and whether there are other smaller cases that these coolers wont fit.
I was also looking at the Akasa Zen and the Eclipse.
Any advice greatly appreciated.


The Zen is excellent value for money. The Eclipse is very good for cooling and doesn't need gimmicky ducts that with Antec's current build quality will probably fall off anyway.

Obviously, to make the Zen the equivalent of the Sonata II you would need to add the Akasa Ultra Quiet 460W Paxpower Active PFC ATX2.0 PSU - Black Nickel (CA-003-AK) at £53.

I hadn't actually noticed it before, but another post made me count up the number of build quality issues with Antec that have been reported recently - and it's massively higher than any other manufacturer. Doors, PSUs and now buttons all seem to be giving Antec issues. It does seem to be the more recent cases that are the problematic ones, but I personally wouldn't use the 'Premium' tag for Antec anymore.
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