Case suggestions

24 May 2006
Surrey - UK
Ok, firstly specs are in the sig. ;)

Minus the case which currently is a Thermaltake Soprano w/ window.

The current problem with my setup is the x1800xt is long and covers enough space to stop the use of 3 x 3.5 slots.

That leaves me 2 external and 3 internal. Since they can get hotter next to each other, i'd prefer to have them spaced. I also intend on adding a 4th sata drive for further storage, but thats for another topic.

I'm budgeting myself at £120, don't mind hitting £130 as long as that includes delivery.

I need a case thats either.....

a) long enough so that the vid card doesnt block access to the 3.5 bays.
b) has outward facing bays, and lots of them, again not wanting drives next to each other.
c) if the two above can't be suggested then a case that can cool the drives better.
d) alternate suggestions.

Bear in mind i don't want anything that sounds like a wind tunnel, 120mm fans are definately preferred.

Window is a must, i like my UV reactive..... :D

I've seen a few cases that look suitable, but i'm sure theres a few people here that have cases that will cover my needs, so recommend away if you can.

I know its a big ask, but if you don't ask, you don't get.... :D
You also have 3 drives, but i'm planning on adding a forth, looking at the lian case the only place is between the 2 bottom drives, which again puts them right next to each other, which is what i'm trying to avoid unless there is sufficient spacing or really good cooling.

The current case would be fine if it was longer, more depth, thats the only thing i see the Lian Li case can offer.

I'm only saying this to be honest, but apart from the depth the Lian case doesnt look like it offers much more then what i have, i don't think it would honestly worth the investment.

The akasa however has a crap load of 3.5 bays, gonna find some decent pics of the case with parts in so i can get a good idea of how much depth it has, then it's proberly gonna be a winner.

Thanx for the comments guys, and Yewen thanx for the pics.

Originally i was set on a Lian Li, but to accomodate more drives, only the bigger ones look suitable, bit too highly priced.
What do you mean the Akasa already does in regards to the extenders?....

Had a read of 1 or 2 reviews before i read your post. Reviewers seem happy overall and say the cooling system works quite well.

The reviewers did mention the included fans they recieved were not used, and replaced with quieter ones, extra cost, but the noise levels were great.

The problem i has now, is the x1800xt blocks the 3 bottom 3.5 bays, which of course are where the fan is......... which is really my concern with any new case i look at.

The akasa is pretty damn wide, but the reviews i saw didnt have huge vid cards in the case, so its hard to tell if it that extra space will be of any benefit or suffer the same problem i have now. Inspecting the images, it looks like the drives should have ample space.

Could you expand on the extenders a little more, because the caddies i've looked at were too pricey, i'd rather buy a new case then spend £20 - £30 each on numerous caddies.

Alternatively the one other case i looked at was the Thermaltake Shark, just because of how they've laid out the internal 3.5 bays. Plus of course you get all the other good bits, like the removal motherboard tray, which of course the 2 cases above have to. Any comments on this case?
Ok, then its a choice of the Akasa or the Thermaltake, can't dismiss the TT until i hear anything more on it or further my reading.

No rush to buy it just yet, which is why i have plenty of time to read and hear opinions.

Got about 40% left on my storage drive, once i hit 90% i'm proberly grab a case and HDD at the same time, then again i'm inclined to get a case just to cool my current HDD's better.
FG-024-AK Akasa AK-183-L2B Amber Ultra Quiet 120mm Fan - 3 pin (FG-024-AK) 2
£9.95 £19.90
BU-000-AK Akasa Eclipse 62 Aluminium Case & Window (BU-000-AK) 1
CA-006-AK Akasa Eclipse 62 Window Side Panel (CA-006-AK) 1
CA-005-AK Akasa Eclipse 62 Aluminum Case (CA-005-AK) 1
£82.70 £82.70
Subtotal £102.60
Shipping (City Link Parcel Next Day (Delivered Mon-Fri)) £10.95
VAT £19.88
Total £133.43

2 of those lovely quiet akasa fans, plus the Akasa case, plus delivery.....

Just above what i was prepared to pay, but thats including fans so i dont mind.

I'll give it a week or two to make final decision, but i think i'm quite happy with the above.
Bit old now, but i just wanted to say Thank you for the recommends, i absolutely love my Eclipse, and i don't understand those who thinks its ugly, i disagree personally.
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