Lian Li used to make one PC-V800 (ATX not mATX), still fit in a backpack small though, if I had $$ to throw away I would have Protocase make 1, maybe with a few changes though... I have no idea why case makers think, oh they have mATX, here's a 8.50 inch tall monster, oh sorry... Anyway I would love a sys with the dems...
Why are cases like that gone??? The SG05 is shoebox size & will fit in one (I think) that is out though it is mITX, but small mATX cases (not gimiky) normal none riser & none low profile height expansion cardscase...
Why are cases like that gone??? The SG05 is shoebox size & will fit in one (I think) that is out though it is mITX, but small mATX cases (not gimiky) normal none riser & none low profile height expansion cardscase...