Casino Royal - Review Thread *Spoilers*

9 Jun 2005
A Beer Garden in the Toon
Firstly can we please post NO SPOILERS

Just got in from watching this. What a film!

Seeing Bond as a cocky arrogant guy takes a bit of getting used to, but I personally like him.

The film itself is very good (My fave Bond by far), from the opening scenes to the climatic end, I was sucked in. The film just gets better the more you watch. There are plenty of little twists and turns, and well as some big ones, and just when you think its all over, Bam, its not.

I would love to go into specifics but I dont want to spoil it for anyone.

Go and See it!

"Vodka Martini"
"Shaken or stirred"
"Do I look like I give a dam!" :D

Oh, and yes he does drive a Mondeo :cool:
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