Casio EX-S500

18 Oct 2002
quick one guys, I have this "camera" and quite frankly my phone takes better pictures, here are some sample shots

now this is from the standard power on settings, it never used to take such useless photos, here is an older shot so clearly I changed something to improve matters, is there a website that will list good configs?

what the hell have I done I havent got the first clue about cameras I just want to pick it up and take piccies :)

please help
Even on a 10Mb connection those images were painfully slow to load!!

Looks to me like the indoor shots are suffering an awful lot while the outdoor ones are fine - which means you are having trouble in low light.

Telling it to use the flash when it needs to might help a bit (if it isnt doing it already) or putting it into low light / night mode (though this might then mean you need to use a tripod).

The noise present in the image shows its trying its best to expose correctly (by upping the ISO) so by increading the light it should help a lot. :)
yeah i know seems pony at the moment

what you just said there makes no sense to me :P

ill try reading the manual, never had a problem with didgital cameras before, whatever happened to point and shoot :p
whos the bird? ;)

what DRZ is saying in simple terms is..

the camera needs more light... or a real steady hand and a longer shutter speed (i know it digital lol) so it can take everything in..

im no good with the techno jargon lol.. but i know what he is getting at :)

i have the same problem with my lil digi cam.. outside in the light its fine.. take it inside and its no good without a tripod.. :(
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