Cassette tapes to computer mp3's

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
Right, it's time to convert that old tape collection to mp3

What software should I use to play them into the computer and rip to mp3? I want something that is basically unattended so I can press play and it will sense the blanks and put in track numbers by itself, if it can reduce hiss and noise then that will be nice too.

I don't mind paying for it if it means I can get all my old music back!!! Most important is that it will sit there and sort out the tracks for me, I don't want to be having to sort through it or playing them in one by one.

I think some of this can be automated but there is still going to be a lot of work involved. I.e. youre probably going to have to sit there and start and stop the recording process for each track. Or you could let each tape play through completely and then chop them into tracks, this will require a powerful computer, ideally using an intel cpu as they are good at Video/Audio encoding.
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Yep, that LP Recorder and LP Ripper looks like it does what I need to do. Just need to find some cash as it's expensive!!!
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