CAT Installation Companies

17 Oct 2011
Can anyone recommend a company based in the SE that can come to my home in Buckinghamshire and install network cabling?

Yes, I can Google, but I'd rather work from a personal recommendation if possible.
George - depending on what you actually want doing then I could probably get you the number of my cabling guys.
I need a cable run from the cloak room on the ground floor, through the ground floor ceiling not more than 15m to my study. I want everything in the walls and ceiling with no trunking.
I usually do this sort of thing my self to my own house. New builds have a small hollow behind the plaster which makes it easier. I ran mine up the outside of the house behind a drainpipe next to an areal cable that was already there. Just made the hole in the wall a little larger and threaded them both through. Then up into the loft and back down behind the wall upstairs to a socket.

If its old its going to involve making a mess and chiselling the wall, and plastering and painting after. One of my friends did this recently. He had floor boards up for a week laying cables to several rooms.
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