Cat people... Heat

18 Oct 2002
Our female kitten is approx 11 months old and has just recently become all horny and is in heat in a big way.

Walking around the house, howling with her tail up and bum in the air. She's constantly rubbing herself on anyone and everything.

Thing is, we got her spayed at 6 months to avoid this!

Anyone else ever had this problem?

Might have to take her back to the vets if this continues. Highly amusing though.
Our cat is an indoor cat.

I'm tempted just to throw her outside so all the neighbourhood tom's can give her a damn good seing to.

They're all hanging around outside in the garden.

She came from next doors cat who had a kittens and disturbingly, her dad is one of the tom's hanging around! :eek:
Other half will be calling the vets today for some advice.

Was reading up and when they remove the ovaries sometimes ovarian cells can remain and kick things off during a season.

I'm hoping this is just a one off episode and not something that will be repeated in a few weeks time.
Sounds as if the vet hasn’t done the job properly, take her back to the vets.

Don't think they have.

Other half called the vets today and said they might have to open her up again to examine.

Poor little thing won't like that. She found it really stressful last time.:(

This was from the vets that removed the stitches only to find two stitches remaining once we got home. Had to take her back to get them removed.
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