
18 Oct 2002
Liverpool :-)
Has anyone used cataclean before? Ive just been down to my local car shop and they recommended it, said it was one of the best around.

Opinions on this stuff?
Basically you add the stuff to your fuel tank and expect to get more mpg?
Bull would be my reaction. Infact, it is my reaction.
HTF is that going to clean the cat??

spend your money on something else! if the cat was having problems, youd know about it and fail the mot for it.
-Mic- said:
Basically you add the stuff to your fuel tank and expect to get more mpg?

Where does it say that? shows it is supposed to restore cat's that are not working efficiently. It might work I suppose, but I'm dubious of something that claims to undo many thousands of miles worth of wear and damage in just an hour or so.
Dogbreath said:
Where does it say that? shows it is supposed to restore cat's that are not working efficiently. It might work I suppose, but I'm dubious of something that claims to undo many thousands of miles worth of wear and damage in just an hour or so.
Different product I guess. I googled cataclean and thats what I got. :)
quackers said:
Hmm, i was looking for a product to clean the engine. Whats a decent one?

you can use redex, but if it does affect the carbon on the piston, valves and head then whats going to happen to it? yep its just gonna hang about in your cyclinder and the best u can hope for is that the carbon burns away.

you can also use injector cleaner, but how effective is it going to be when youve already got one of the best solvents going through them already?

imo the best way to clean an engine is to take it apart and decoke it manually. if the injectors are ****** then get em reconned.
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