catching up - S775 to 1150?

19 Dec 2004

running a Q6600 S775 as a main rig that is used for home office duties, occassional encoding and general stuff.

updating to something more modern and a 1150 option seems cost effective and a decent step up and could allow a bit of elite dangerous play if i shell out more on controllers and maybe monitors!

existing pc
256gb SSD crucial
various 1t/2b HDDs
antec P182 case
corsair HX550W modular

welcome comments

My basket at Overclockers UK:

Total: £787.64
(includes shipping: £11.70)

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thanks, updated spec, saw that ram, read that it is already OC'd and could be a restriction if I OC further?
XMP is a RAM OC profile. You can quite happily OC the CPU without OCing the RAM with the current generation of hardware.

That kit has XMP profiles for 2400MHz and 2133MHz. If you don't activate XMP I think it runs at 1600MHz. Any DDR3 above 1600MHz is OC'd.

My friend has it in her machine with a 4690K. It runs quite happily at 2400, with the CPU clocked at 4.4GHz.

I've got the 2x4GB version of this kit paired with a Pentium G3258. It's fine, but the Pentium's memory controller doesn't seem to like running at 2400MHz with the CPU OC'd to 4.2GHz
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