Caterham v Westfield

31 May 2006
Hi guys

I've always been a fan of Lotus 7 style cars. In the near future (next year or two) i hope to look closer at buying one. I would like to know if any knows why a 10,000 mile Caterham can be £6k+ more than a Westfield? Without knowing more why would that be?

Perywinkle said:

Have a read of that, give you an idea on what people have spent getting theirs on the road.

You will not find a better resource online if you are looking to build a seven rep.
Any problems or questions you have, there will be someone who can answer it.


Cheers for that. It is a great resource - looks like i need to save more cash!
Westyfield2 said:
An old video, but shows how quick the Westfield XTR2 is: XTR2 Beats Zonda

Cracking stuff! I remember watching that when it was first on. If only i had 20k.

Ill have to settle for an MNR or Westy. I fancy building it from a Kit rather than buying one - but i like the sound of the Meccano Westy over the fabricating bits for the MNR. I'm no mechanic and would prefer the whole lot to be provided rather than stripping a Sierra. I guess the westy is the option for this then?
Just got my Westfield brochure through the post and the Meccano Kit complete with engine, gearbox etc.. basically everything bar the fuel and water is £15k. Bit much i think. Do MNR do a similar deal?
It all seems very expensive to be honest. Looks like i would have to save quite a bit. A nice chap at MNR (Chris - Marks dad) was going through it with me. £10k would be a cheap budget he said with the possibility of getting it in 5 parts. But even over a year thats £2000 every 10 weeks.
The_Dark_Side said:
if you're on a budget and are looking for best bang/buck then you're wasting your time even considering building a kit yourself.
buy one that's been built by someone else.

But i like the idea of building it - that seems like half the fun.
The_Dark_Side said:
fun is expensive.
building then running it is a fantastic experience, it's also more expensive than just buying a westy for example.
if you have an unlimited budget you can indulge yourself totally, if you DO have one you need to make compromises.

Hmm i fear you are right. It looks like if i want it this year ill have to settle for 2nd hand. If i can wait a couple of years (more like 4) and save up then maybe i can look at the kit. I just want to get my hands dirty!
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