Caught him at last!

23 May 2005
Ive had a fledgling blue tit on my feeders for the last few days but he's managed to escape having his piccy taken until now :D Special thanks to to my sigma flash as the light was failing by the time he appeared in frame.


Any comments or suggestions welcome

Nice! If you haven't already entered the current Photo Comp, I'd suggest this as an entry! :)

Also, if you intend to enter, alter your post, asking for no judges to comment
Fantastic photograph, looks a little washed out but that'll be down to the falling light.

Get rid of that crappy text underneath though, looks tacky.
cheers for the feedback, i agree that it looks a little washed out but when i tried boosting the saturation it looked worse. I'll get rid of the text when I get a print done, though if I want to title future pics what font would people recommend?

The only real problem is that its quite a crop from the original shot, I cant get close enough with a 50mm lens, and the 100-300 cant focus close enough to be setup in this way. Time to start looking at 100mm macro lenses I think :D
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