Caught Red Handed

11 Jul 2009
Anyone see it this morning? (bbc1)

three arsewipes stole a 2012 or 2013 triumph 675,was gone in about 2 minutes:eek:
they hotwired it in a few minutes,god knows how they did that

thought they had immobiliser built in?
^^^ that's it dan,same clip on caught red handed but edited down,i was shocked how quick they hotwired it,esp being a modern machine
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yeah that's because they edited the clip down to a few minutes on caught red handed programme,it was the first time I saw it

its longer on youtube but still they managed to hotwire a modern machine and steal it which is shocking

its still tricky to bypass immobiliser all the wires are black not colour coded
doesn't matter what bike you own if they want it they will take it,so easy to break them up and sell the parts

all you can do is try and slow them down asmuch as possible and lock it up in a busy well lit public place
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