Caught speeding

3 Jan 2005
On my 125 ;)

36 in a 30, not disputing it never saw the mobile van just gutted as its the first speeding ticket in 15 years of driving and I manage to get caught on the CBF

oh well, wouldn't have been so bad if it was a decent speed not as if I had my knee down :)
I'm hoping for an awareness course so it doesn't mess up my insurance, but not holding out for it as my mum got caught by a camera doing 35 and they gave her points

South wales police are ****'s
I just did a quick insurance quote adding on 3 points and it made no difference at all.

I will have to wait an see, if I get point so be it, at least I know where the buggers hide now and will take an alternative route.

Nobody will hold me and my Honda CBF back :)
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